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Financial Insights

Blog Articles

"New Normal" After COVID-19? Thumbnail

"New Normal" After COVID-19?

As we plan for how HCM will adapt to a post COVID-19 world, something that has been on my mind a great deal is what life will be like when the current COVID-19 quarantine is lifted. We are starting to hear from our Governors about cautiously reopening the economy. People are starting to talk about returning to our normal way of life, but will we really?

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How HCM Tax Planning Can Save You Money Thumbnail

How HCM Tax Planning Can Save You Money

We know there’s a temptation to put off thinking about taxes until next winter, but if you do, almost all your money-making opportunities will be lost. If you can find the time to work on tax planning, you just might realize some meaningful rewards. As always, we’ll help you every step of the way, so don’t worry if you’re not sure what to do.

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The CARES Act: What You Need to Know Thumbnail

The CARES Act: What You Need to Know

As our country is dealing with the growing coronavirus pandemic, the federal government put in place a $2 trillion relief package to address the economic crisis resulting from the global economic slowdown. The most common questions we are receiving relate to the direct payments of benefits taxpayers will receive and how the rules relating to retirement distributions and unemployment have changed. We will focus on these changes now.

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Making Up For Retirement Shortfalls Thumbnail

Making Up For Retirement Shortfalls

The world is headed toward a retirement crisis, and America is no exception. A GAO report found that about half of all Americans age 55 or older have no retirement savings at all. Fortunately, HCM can help you understand the impact of utilizing one or more of the following strategies to help your retirement nest egg last as long as you do.

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