Social Security and Your Spouse
Married individuals applying for Social Security benefits automatically apply for spousal benefits. What does that mean for your finanial plan?
Married individuals applying for Social Security benefits automatically apply for spousal benefits. What does that mean for your finanial plan?
Combining finances can be complicated for any couple, but the challenges become more complex the second time around, especially when children are involved.
Extended care can be a significant financial burden for many families. With planning and creative thinking, you can carry the financial burden a little more easily.
George Washington Carver said, “Education is the key to unlock the Golden door of Freedom.” Fund your children’s or grandchildren’s studies gives them the opportunity to pursue their academic ambitions. Choosing between 529 plans and ESAs is an important step to optimize their educational funds for your given circumstances.
In addition to doing good for society, donations can be a beneficial part of your tax optimization strategy. Here are a few things to consider when making any end –of-year donations in 2024.
Our digital footprint is extensive, spanning from social media profiles to online banking, email accounts to cryptocurrency wallets. Just as you would safeguard your home, car, and financial accounts, securing your digital assets is crucial.