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Financial Planning for P&G
Employees, Retirees, and Alumni

Talk with a team of investment & tax experts that put the same level of care evaluating your unique P&G circumstances as you put into the wording of your Rocks. 

Hear from Jim Eutsler, our in-house P&G investment and tax expert, who spent 15+ years working at P&G, as he walks through common questions he hears from P&G employees and retirees.

PST Choices

As you consider retiring or separating from P&G, you will want to give thought around what to do with your Profit Sharing Trust (PST) account.  Here we will outline what your options are and what the implications are for each of those options.

Download the PST Guide

 Meet Our P&G Team

Our expert team has a deep knowledge of the ins and outs of your P&G retirement plan options, general investment planning, and tax considerations. 

Kacidee Gemperle Photo

Kacidee Gemperle

Client Services
Doug Johnson CFA Photo

Doug Johnson CFA

Senior Investment Strategist | Chief Compliance Officer | Partner
Jim Eutsler CMA, CFP®, ChFC® Photo

Jim Eutsler CMA, CFP®, ChFC®, EA

Wealth Advisor | Partner
Casey Boland Photo

Casey Boland

Wealth Advisor | Vice President | Partner
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Talk to an Advisor