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Navigating the GE Pension Plan

Planning for retirement is a journey, and understanding your GE’s pension plan is an important step towards financial independence. The details of your GE pension can sometimes be a bit complex.  Our team at HCM will help you understand the key elements and strategies that will help you maximize your benefits.  The decisions you make today will impact your financial future, which is why it is important that you take the time to review your GE retirement plan with a financial advisor to ensure you are optimizing your options. 

Hear from Greg Middendorf, CFP®, CCPS®, HCM's in-house GE pension expert who has helped many pre-retirees and retirees navigate the complexities of the GE retirement plan.

Even the savviest GE employees can find the retirement options to be complicated. Our team simplifies the plan into these broad categories:

VPA/PPA, RSP & Basic Pension Overview

 Meet Our GE Team

Our expert team has a deep knowledge of the ins and outs of your P&G retirement plan options, general investment planning, and tax considerations. 

Nathan Barbian Photo

Nathan Barbian

Client Services Representative
Greg Middendorf, CFP®, CCPS® Photo

Greg Middendorf, CFP®, CCPS®

Wealth Advisor | Partner
Doug Johnson CFA Photo

Doug Johnson CFA

Senior Investment Strategist | Chief Compliance Officer | Partner
Maureen Everhart Photo

Maureen Everhart


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