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Financial Insights

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COVID Update Thumbnail

COVID Update

Many people are wondering why we still don’t have a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus yet, and when we will finally get one. Amid the hopeful headlines, we aren’t hearing much from the deep experts who are in the trenches trying to find an effective way to prevent the virus from lodging in our bodies. What are they saying these days?

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Has the Recovery Begun? Thumbnail

Has the Recovery Begun?

May’s job report was 10,000,000 better than expected, the inequality trifecta of income, opportunity and wealth has worsened, according to Mohamed El-Erian, and recent “good news” could fool policy makers just when the economy needs help the most.

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Investments can be Taxing Thumbnail

Investments can be Taxing

Owning a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other investments is a critical part of a well-designed retirement income plan. However, when it is time to complete your federal income tax return you may be left scratching your head. Just how do you report your investments and how are they taxed? And, what can you do to minimize your tax bill?

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Bear Markets and Retirement Thumbnail

Bear Markets and Retirement

Bear markets come in all shapes and sizes, and they are not actually that unusual. And, when they occur and how you react can determine if your retirement income plans will stay on track or not.

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