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5 Tips for a Healthy Retirement Thumbnail

5 Tips for a Healthy Retirement

Health is important to everyone, and retirees are no exception. According to a 2014 study, 81% of retirees believe that the most important ingredient for a happy retirement is good health. This outranked having loving family and friends, trying new things, and even financial security. With this in mind, here are HCM’s 5 tips for a healthy retirement.

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Health Shocks and Retirement Thumbnail

Health Shocks and Retirement

In survey after survey, running out of money in retirement is ranked highest among fears of many retirees. Healthcare ranks high among the list of expenses that can break the budget for retired people. Most worrisome is the possibility that an unexpected Health Shock may arise, causing healthcare expenses to quickly jump taking a much bigger bite from your pocketbook. At HCM Wealth Advisors, we help you examine these types of risks and decide the best way for your Family to prepare.

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The Exciting World of Cryptocurrencies Thumbnail

The Exciting World of Cryptocurrencies

With Facebook announcing the introduction of its new cryptocurrency, Libra, and Bitcoin’s price rising over $11,000 (as of this writing), we thought it’d be a good time to look at cryptocurrencies: what are they and should you invest in them?

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Refi, Recast, or Prepay your Mortgage? Thumbnail

Refi, Recast, or Prepay your Mortgage?

With thirty-year mortgage rates dipping below 4% again recently, many homeowners are wondering what, if anything, they should be doing with their home loans. Maybe you’ve been prepaying it and you wonder if recasting or refinancing is right for you?

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Is a 529 Account a Good Investment For Your Family?  Thumbnail

Is a 529 Account a Good Investment For Your Family?

Happy 529 Day! On May 29, the college savings industry celebrates the day as a way to spread the word about the positive benefits of saving for college with a 529 account. Although these plans have been around for decades, they still exist in relative obscurity. The investment research firm Morningstar estimates that only 16% of parents with children younger than college age are saving in a 529.

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Tariffs: How Do They Work, and Who Pays Them? Thumbnail

Tariffs: How Do They Work, and Who Pays Them?

It’s hard to avoid seeing news about the ongoing US-China trade conflict. In light of this turmoil, we thought we’d take a step back and examine exactly how tariffs work, who pays them, and how trade disputes like this have played out in the past.

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