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financial Insights


Cruise Restrictions & Fixed Income Thumbnail

Cruise Restrictions & Fixed Income

Mike and Doug discuss the new CDC regulations around cruises, if the reflation trade still on track, the changing landscape of fixed income, and whether you should be worried about a notable increase in speculative behavior.

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January 14 Town Hall Webinar Thumbnail

January 14 Town Hall Webinar

In our first town hall webinar of 2021, Mike and Doug discuss highlights from recent COVID Relief Act, why we believe the Value Rotation has staying power, and how bonds might react to the recent rise in interest rates.

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December 3 Town Hall Webinar Thumbnail

December 3 Town Hall Webinar

This month, Mike and Doug talk about how the market is viewing a potential COVID vaccine, the recent the explosion in cases, whether the Value Rotation is finally happening, and what challenges lower rates will present for investors going forward.

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Post-Election Call 11/4/20 Thumbnail

Post-Election Call 11/4/20

As we continue to count ballots and wait to see who will be in charge come January, Mike and Doug discussed the possible scenarios and market outcomes we could experience in the coming months.

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Town Hall Webinar 10/22/20 Thumbnail

Town Hall Webinar 10/22/20

Will we see an opportunity in long spurned international and value assets, and what do possible election scenarios mean for the markets? Also, tax and estate planning tactics to consider before year end. Client questions that are emailed into us

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