Cybersecurity Tips | Password Hygiene
Strong passwords are essential for good password hygiene. Dave discusses tips, tricks, and best practices to make your digital information secure.
Strong passwords are essential for good password hygiene. Dave discusses tips, tricks, and best practices to make your digital information secure.
The surge of personal use technology has been incredible! But sadly, with that has come a similar surge in cyber criminal activity. Our guest speaker, Dave Hatter, guides you through the common threats to be aware of and gives you suggestions on how to protect yourself. Dave has nearly 30 years of experience in software development, cybersecurity, and project management. He’s a featured guest speaker on Fox19, Local 12, and 55KRC’s Tech Fridays. We are honored to have him share his amazing insight into keeping individuals safe from cyber threats with you.
How base effects can lead to misleading headlines about economic data, the disagreement on inflation, and if stagflation could be on the horizon.
You'll recall that the stimulus programs related to COVID generated a lot of spending, and the government is now talking about an infrastructure program that could be upwards of $ 2 trillion. This is going to create quite a shortfall in revenue, and the administration's answer is partially to increase taxes. Let's talk about the changes that are most likely to affect you.
Video topics include: Economic Recovery - Ahead, Behind or Right on Track, the Potential Showdown between the Fed and Interest Rates, and Why No One Asks for a One-Year Financial Plan
We discuss the new COVID stimulus bill, yield rates, and behavioral biases in this month's town hall webinar.