Will 2023 look anything like 2022? January 2023 Town Hall
Will 2023 look anything like 2022?, What constitutes a “soft landing” for the economy?, and Portfolio Positioning Updates.
Will 2023 look anything like 2022?, What constitutes a “soft landing” for the economy?, and Portfolio Positioning Updates.
How likely is a year-end rally, when is “the most forecasted recession in history” coming, and positioning for the remainder of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.
Will the October rally continue into year end, how high can rates go, and will the end of inflation be met by the beginning of recession.
We provide an update on earnings and inflation, discuss recession possibilities, market psychology, and whether growth stocks are making a comeback.
In response to current market activity, over the last week we’ve reinvested cash raised in February into equities positions. Also, Mike and Doug discuss the Fair Value of assets.
Inflation or Recession, what is the bigger threat at this point? Putting the current market drawdown in historical perspective. How can the market recover and what could make it worse?