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Living Well in Retirement

It’s our mission at HCM to help people live well in retirement. Usually this involves developing financial strategies to ensure an abundance of income that is dependable, diversified, and growing faster than inflation. But, it can be difficult to enjoy that abundance if health issues get in the way. To help HCM clients enjoy retirement more fully, we will be reviewing tips for maintaining your health in retirement from top longevity experts like Dean Ornish and Peter Attia.

In the same way that a successful financial strategy requires regular review, investment, and reallocation of resources, so too do we need to “invest” in our health through time, energy, and effort. We must commit to monitoring important health metrics and modifying our strategy as conditions change.

Important – Talk to your Doctor before making any changes to your health routine!

In the big picture, the recommendations are obvious – of course we need to exercise regularly, get a proper amount of sleep, and eat healthily. But which exercises are best for someone who’s focusing on increasing longevity, and why? How much do we need to sleep to reduce the risk of dementia? Newer research has shown how crucial mental and emotional health is to living long and living well – what has science shown to be the best ways to maintain high spirits and continue living a fulfilling life into your 8th and 9th decades?

We’ll start with one suggestion from Peter Attia. Attia is well-respected in the longevity community and recently published the book Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity. One of the innovative approaches to longevity planning Attia brings is the concept of the “Centenarian Decathlon,” where he asks the question: what activities do you want to be healthy enough to perform when you reach a more advanced age? Some of his examples include being able to get up off the floor with a single point of support, maintain good balance, get out of a pool without needing a ladder, and being able to squat down to pick up a grandchild that weighs 30 pounds. Deciding on your goals is the first step in backcasting what you need to be doing today, in 10 years, 20 years, etc., to ensure you’ll have the ability to meet those goals. Share these with your doctor, trainer, spouse, and anyone else who can help you map out a plan to know the steps you need to take now to be able to do these activities in your later years. 

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